...every time I try to sit down and blog, someone spills something or needs a nap or is about to get up from a nap or requires a diaper change? I have some posts floating around in
the abyss that is my brain...but naptime's almost over and I've got to find and wash soccer jerseys and matching socks, because we wouldn't want to be uncool playing soccer in one white sock and one black one, now would we? Noooooooooooooo. *sigh*
I'll do this one real quick...
I am… avoiding doing the laundry.
I want… a maid to do it...and she can bring her twin sister that is a chef/dishwasher
I wish… I hadn't deleted the PCHWinningWays email without reading it, they could be on the way to give me my big check and I have nothing to wear.
I hate… that money makes the world go 'round and I never seem to have enough.
I miss… my dad. We need to plan a trip soon!
I fear… something bad happening to loved ones.
I feel… hungry.
I hear… Tigger on TV and SpiderMonkey counting the change that was in my pocket.
I smell… white grape/raspberry juice that he just plopped on my chest and asked me to pour.
I crave…Chinese food, Baaaaad! Hmmm, maybe I'll bring some home after the gym tonight...nah, I'll just skip lunch and engorge myself on the way to the gym. Noone has to know, but me, right?
I really...can't wait to get back to the gym tonight, it's been a few days.
I search…for friends on Myspace...I'm kind of a stalker...it's an addiction!
I wonder…if Chuck is on tonight, and if my DVR is set to record it.
I regret…not going to the gym Thursday, but KingKong was feeling a little neglected.
I love…my husband and all our awesome children.
I care…too much about what others think of me, sometimes.
I ache…nowhere, which means I haven't been to the gym recently. I get it! I'm going! Enough already! Stop hounding me!
I dance…in public only when I'm suuuuuper smashed. In private, I dance with SpiderMonkey, MonkeySee, and MonkeyDo often.
I sing…pretty well, but I'm no American Idol!
I cry…EVERY time I watch "A Baby Story" on TLC. Every.Damn.Time.
I don’t always…do the dishes after every meal.
I fight…the urge to eat chocolate for for lunch everyday.
I write…on my blog and no one knows...just YOU!
I never…want to fail my children.
I listen…to my ipod while I'm tanning.
I need…to figure out why my cd burner isn't working ever since I downloaded itunes.
I am happy…my family is healthy (with the exception of a few
too many runny noses)