Friday, May 2, 2008

I've Got My Visa Card Ready...

I was sitting here and MonkeySee just went from the crawling (though he doesn't really crawl) position to sitting up. And now, he's still sitting up.

Sorry. This is big for us, and I just happened to be getting ready to read blogs. MonkeySee's always been the "lazy" one (much like me at that age, from what I hear...and probably now, too. Heh). Just content to lay around and smile his contagious smile. He looks like such a big boy! Now, I gotta go order new big boy carseats online. Any recommendations?


Messy and Wonderful said...

Carseats... hmmm. I've had two Britax carseats (roundabout and boulevard), I've loved them and have never seen a bad review about them. That being said, they're pricy and if I had to buy two at once, I'm not sure I could swallow that. I also had the Cosco Summit seat (still use it as an extra) and would NOT recommend that one - big, cumbersome and hubby is about to cut the buckle out because he thinks it's hard to use.

I love when making decisions like this one! Let us know what you get!

Anonymous said...

I have two Eddie Bauer car seats...about 150 a piece. Ended up buying one of them off of Ebay because when Frack came around, the company discontinued the colors I had it in. I wanted it to match. I know, I know. I have been pretty happy with them. They can still be used as rear facing (in SC the law says they have to be 20 lbs AND a year old) and they go up to 100 lbs. Hope that helps.

justmylife said...

No help with the car seats, my baby is 8. But congrats to MonkeySee, that is a big "step" for a little one!

iheartchocolate said...

I just LOVE the milestones. I wish mine would start walking already. He crawls faster than I can run, so I guess he's got no use.

Sitting up, next he'll be graduating college!

Megan said...

Just found your blog and wanted to drop a quick hello! Totally loving all your family's adventures.

Re the car seat, we LOVE our peanut's Britax Diplomat. Totally worth the money, but big if you need two. Just my $.02.

Looking forward to reading more!