Tuesday, April 15, 2008

American Idol Top 7 Predictions

Archuletta--When You Believe. Another song with a message. Surpriiiiiise. He did a good job! As much as I hate to say it. And were those pleather pants??!? With sneakers??!? Cute. Heh.

Carly--Without You. Can I just say, "Finally, sleeves! Woohoo!" She looked so pretty. (PS. Her husband scares me! Did you see that guy??!?) And she did put her own spin on the song in some parts. It was definitely hard for the girls to make these girl songs sound different. She's still consistently good. And trying to appear waaaaaay happier than last week. Simon didn't think she pulled it off. I think she's bottom three, but atleast she tried to sound a little different.

Syesha--Vanishing. She chose a song that wasn't as well known as Without You or Hero, which helped to not compare her directly to Mariah. I think she did a good job with it. Didn't hear her use Mariah's tip, though, for the "away." How annoying was it that she did Brooke's lip mashing after Randy. Sorry, but I think she's a follower. She still hasn't shown us who she is, only how well she does other's versions of the songs. I hope America gives her some votes for originality.

Brooke--Hero. *sigh* Not her best. Quite possibly her worst so far, aside from that Here Comes the Sun disaster. She still has a unique voice, but you can't hide behind a piano everytime. That said, she did not change the song one bit. Saying "Yeah-ah-ah-ah-ah-yay" at the end does not make it your own. "Thank you Randy SO MUCH. Thank You," she said after he told her it wasn't that great. Again, we're trying to be tooooo happy girls. WTH? And the condiment talk, huh? I did giggle when Ryan said, "If you'd like to order Take Out dial 1-866..."

Kristy--Forever. I think she gained some fans last week. This song did sound good with a country twist. I was hoping she would've hit more big notes early on, but she did near the end. It was an improvement from previous weeks, for sure! **Side note: I think she and Ryan might be involved. They kept their arms around each other through the whole number announcement and even KingKong said she was glancing at him sort of lovingly. And do you remember last week when he commented on her French Pedicure and she said, "Thanks, I did it myself" and the camera showed her feet which were well hidden under her very long dress. I don't think he saw them on stage, I think it was code. I think he was up close n personal with her toes before last week. Just sayin.'

David Cook--Always be my Baby. OMG! He can sing anything! More rocking violins. That's so cool. Do they have to rock their heads like that I wonder? Back to David. THE American Idol of 2008. Hands down. He rocks the house. Vote America, vote! No offense, but I could do without the tears, though. It's probably cause he's stressed and I know there is illness in the family. Ok, I just watched the teary part again and it is kinda cute.

Castro--I Don't Want to Cry. I felt sorry for him having to follow Cook! But he improved on himself with this song. Still not my cup of tea, but he did well! He showed more of an effort than his previous songs, and it was great to see. Simon doesn't know what a Luau is??!?

Bottom Three--This was definitely a guys' night!! I think the bottom three will be Carly, Syesha, and Brooke. I think Kristy has gained some fans these last coupla weeks and Brooke was NOT original enough. I think Syesha was original, but still don't know who she is. And Carly, I think people are mad she didn't go home last week instead of MJ, so I'm not sure if she'll be getting many votes.

Leaving--I hope Brooke, but I think probably Syesha will go, she's held out this far though.


Anna said...

David all the way! I thought the tears were equal parts cheesy and endearing, too! Thanks for the tip...our area does have a Head Start program. I'm off to do a little internet digging...thanks again!

Suzie said...

I thought Brooke was extremely shaky, too. I hate to see her go, but I agree with you. Of course, I didn't think Michael would go last week.

Anonymous said...

How on earth did I miss David's pleather pants? Now I guess I'll have to play it back again. I agree that the girls are in jeopardy this week.

Huse Yo Mama said...

oh my gosh, this is hilarious!!!! I never even noticed the pedicure conversation, I wish I would have saved that so I could look back, now!!

Tamara said...

I agree with you on almost everything. And I definitely want David C. to win.

I didn't catch the french pedicure thing...interesting. I'll have to watch for it next time. I did, however, notice the irony when Jason sang "Don't Want to Cry" right after David C. got teary-eyed.

I agree with you on who should leave, vs. who probably will.

Good review.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I was excited Carly had sleeves on too...that tatoo is awful.

Thanks for your comment :o)

Melzie said...

Simon doesn't know what a Luau is??!?

I KNOW that was funny. I think Brooke is falling apart. xoxo melzie