Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Do You See What I See?

I've always noticed the flat spot on the back of TwinkeyB's head. What baby doesn't have one nowadays, right? But can you see above where his ear tips are and how NOT aligned they are. Now, the left side of his face from cheekbone up is flatter than (or not as round as) the right side.
The Twinkeys' 9month checkup is Monday. Although I wish they'd looked into it when I mentioned this at 6months...

See more Wordless Wednesdays here.


Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

Looks like he might be in for a helmet to round out his head and proportion his ears a bit?

Still, cute little head. I love baby hair and sweet little baby bodies. Such a little package they all are.

No, I'm not a weirdo... I'm a mom. ;)

MomOf4 said...

What a cute little baby! See what the doctor has to say and go from there. :) Happy WW!

Unknown said...

My baby had some head issues when he was just a few months old. He only turned his head to the right. We had to do PT for a while.

I am sorry they didn't listen to you before, but he should be fine with a little help. What a sweet little head he has!!

Jenileigh said...

Beautiful baby. Hugs to you and I pray that all is well.

It almost for an instant looks like he's standing in the toilet and its overflowing! :)

Happy WW!

Kristen said...

He's beautiful! I think I've worried about the same thing with my kids. I even measured on my babies heads. Have it checked, but I bet it's just worry for worry's sake. And that's our job, right?

KATE said...

I just love those "comb over hair filling in" baby heads. My Brookies looks like that too!

Speaking of Brookes head we actually had the same problem. She was considered for a helmet. As of right now, they think if her head continues to progress she won't need one, but we go back in for a evaluation at 1 year for the helmet. See what your doc thinks.

Oh my hell, I LOVED your brother in law boob flashing story! That was GREAT!!!!

Anna said...

What a little cutie! My ears are crooked and I turned out just fine! ;-) Hope everything turns out ok!

CC said...

I just want to run my fingers through that soft looking hair!

Kellan said...

Maybe a helmet - see what the doctors have to say. Such a little cutie! TAke care - Kellan

Bren said...

What a sweet little head! :)

Hope you get some good advice from your doc.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Jena9286 said...

I can see the misalignment of his ears. Let me know what your ped said. The flat spot isn't as noticable as I have seen before including my son, but I can see the ears and somewhat of a flat spot. Keep me posted. I'd be curious to see what they say. I know there has been great results with kids older than a year even. Good luck!
If you look at some of my later posts like Feb I think, I posted more clear shots of Aaron's head.

Kate said...

Always something to worry about with kids, huh? Hope all turns out well.